Sunday, September 30, 2007

I love marshmallows

I got to go outside night before last with my Mom and Dad to sit by the fire in that thing that looks like a chimney.  My mom gave me a marshmallow and I would not eat it until she put it over the fire.  I am a good dog.  My mom and dad had fun sitting around the thing that looks like a chimney.  They sat and talked for hours like they used to.  I am glad.  When mom and dad are happy, I am happy.  My human neighbor and my kitty neighbors came over, too.  I played with them all night.  They did not even scratch me, because I am a good dog.My kitty friends are named Shimmer and B.H. ( Butt Hole)  My mommy and my human neighbor gave them a good home because someone else did not want them and made them get out of the car in a strange place.  My mom said that they were scared.  I would have been scared.  My mom and dad loves me and would never do anything like that.  I am a good dog.  My mom says that people who do bad things to animals and don't get them spayed or neutered are very bad and mean people and will get their come upping's..( what ever that means).  I am glad that my mom and dad like animals, because I can be a bad boy sometimes and they STILL love me.  But today...I am a good dog. 


Friday, September 28, 2007

Bad day AGAIN...

First an update on my old brother..He is doing good today.  My mom had a bad day, though.  She went to the big store that you get dog treats AND people food.   She had to stop and get gas for the big thing with wheels that I like to ride in, and when she got finished it would not start.  Some really nice people helped her out, but said that she needed a new battery.  She found the nearest car place and got a new battery.  She called my dad to tell him what it cost to get a new battery and he was MAD!!!  He said those people took advantage of her because she was a GIRL.  He made her turn around and take it back. She was so embarrassed.  The nice people showed her the screen and said that the battery was the one that was made for the big thing with wheels that I like to ride in.  She told them that my Daddy said that they were WRONG and they gave her $15.00!!!  Man she can buy me treats with that..Because I am a good dog.

My mom was off work today, but she has not took me swimming or nothing.  I don't know why...I am a good dog.  She said that her and my dad were going to build a fire outside in that thing that looks like a chimney in the back yard and I could come out with them.  I guess that will do.  I really would like to go swimming, but she said that it is too cold.  Its not, but if I get smart with her she will not let me write on the computer.  At least my favorite human neighbor cam over today.  She said her head hurt and I gave her kisses.  I hope she feels better. 

My mom says we can write on the computer in a little while.  she has to cook tacos now and I cant write when she is not in the room because she says it is dangerous.    I will be a good dog.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am sad

I am sad today..My dog brother Domino is not feeling well.  I heard my mom today talking with my dad.  She said if Domino  was not better in a few days, they were going to send him to dog heaven. My mom says that that is the place where all good dogs go, but I dont know where it is.  I am a good dog, so I know I will go there too.  I will miss him.  My mom says that he is old.  He is going to be 15 on Dec 9.  She is very sad. Sad  I hate to see my mom sad.  She told me that he would be out of pain and be able to run with the other dogs and play forever.  I hope so. he is a good dog, just like me.  My friend Kitty -Kitty just lost her dog Ming and she said that her mom was very sad too.  Me and her mom are good friends.  I hope Kitty-Kitty's mom will let her write on the puter soon so I will have a friend to talk to.  I need to go so that i can sit on my moms lap and give her kisses and make her feel better.  Until next time..I am a good boy.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I was a good boy today

I was a good dog today..My mom had to go to work early because a girl had to leave to go and get her sick human baby from school.  I am glad I don't have to go to school.  My mom tried to sleep late this morning and I was very quiet.  I did not get into any trouble today.  Because I am a good dog.  My sister Fudge was not happy though.  My mom did not take her for a run today because she had to go to work.  She let her run tonight though and I had to wait to get on the computer.  I did not complain,   because I am a good dog.  My mom says she has to stay up late tonight.  She has to go to work at 7 PM tomorrow and work until 5 AM.  That means that we will stay in bed most of the day.  I like staying in the bed, because I am a good dog.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lots of friends came over

My uncle Larry came over today.  Mom and Dad were glad to see him.  He has not seen my new house until today.  His woman could not come.  She was busy doing other fun stuff.  I am mad at her because I never get to do fun stuff.  My uncle Larry and my dad went to see these things called motorcycles.  I don't think my mom likes these machines because I want to ride with daddy when he gets one.  She said "NO".!!!!  My human brother has one and I think it is cool.  When uncle Larry was here, a man came over that was very loud.  I like him anyway.  I can be loud myself. 

I was so exited when my human neighbor came over.  She got on the floor with me and gave me lots of love.  I sure do like her.   Doggy Lick 

My mom had to go to town to buy stuff and I got in trouble.  When she came home there was spaghetti noodles on the floor.  I did not think she would notice, but she DID.  She yelled at me and I ran. 

Then, uncle Dane came over!!!!  I love uncle Dane.  He gets me in trouble sometimes by making me get stuff that aint there.  I can dig  real far when I think there is a critter under the dirt.  He thinks itis funny, my dad don't.   Sorry 

THEN....My human neighbor and her human g-daughter came over.  I love her, too.  She loves animals,  EVEN ME!!!!  She is sooooo sweet and she really likes my kitty sisters and brothers too.  That is the only thing I don't like..I should get ALL the attention.  She is very nice though.  My mom thinks she is great.

I heard my mom talking to her friend, Kathleen today.  She really misses her.  She used to work with her and see her all the time.  She don't get to any more. Kicking Dirt  My mom changed jobs because she was not happy.  She misses her friends at work and the dogs, too.  I try to make her feel better, but she still seems sad.  

My mom went to see her dad today and helped him give his dogs some medicine.  I asked to go and she said NO.   She wishes she could spend more time with him, too.  I think my mom is losing her mind..  All she does is  worry about stuff and stay inside all day.  I like that though, because I get to spend time with her.   She is a great mom. 

I guess I need to go to bed now.  I am sleepy. Tired I will continue tomorrow because my mom says I am a good dog!!!!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

My sister is mad

I have been begging my mom to let me write on the computer and she FINALLY said that I could as long as I was a good boy.  That is very hard for me, but I promised.  My sister molly is very mad because she wants to write on the computer.  Mom said that I was special and I get to write so that I will be a good boy.  My mom works late and I sleep in my bed on the floor in the green room while she talks on the computer to her friends.  It is a UGLY room and mom says she is going to paint it soon.  Dad says he's heard that before and wont hold his breath.  I hope he don't hold his breath, because I tried that once when I was swimming in the pond and I almost died!!!  My mom says I am a Jack Russell Terrier, but I think I am a Doberman.  I have two dog sisters and one human one.  I have one dog brother and one human one.  I have lots of kitty sisters and brothers, but I don't like them. My mom will not let me play with them because I make them squeak and she says that is NOT a good thing.  My neighbor really likes them, but she likes me more ( I just know she does).  She comes over to have coffee with my human mom and they have a good time together.  My human neighbor really likes to pet me and lets me lick her face.  My mom and dad wont let me do that.  She is a really nice human.  She makes my mom happy.  I think they have become good friends.  My mom says I don't have any friends because I don't know how to be nice, but I DO know how.  I just get a little exited, that's all.  Oh well, my mom said it is time to go to bed and I can't stay on the computer without her in the room.  I will continue tomorrow.