Friday, September 28, 2007

Bad day AGAIN...

First an update on my old brother..He is doing good today.  My mom had a bad day, though.  She went to the big store that you get dog treats AND people food.   She had to stop and get gas for the big thing with wheels that I like to ride in, and when she got finished it would not start.  Some really nice people helped her out, but said that she needed a new battery.  She found the nearest car place and got a new battery.  She called my dad to tell him what it cost to get a new battery and he was MAD!!!  He said those people took advantage of her because she was a GIRL.  He made her turn around and take it back. She was so embarrassed.  The nice people showed her the screen and said that the battery was the one that was made for the big thing with wheels that I like to ride in.  She told them that my Daddy said that they were WRONG and they gave her $15.00!!!  Man she can buy me treats with that..Because I am a good dog.

My mom was off work today, but she has not took me swimming or nothing.  I don't know why...I am a good dog.  She said that her and my dad were going to build a fire outside in that thing that looks like a chimney in the back yard and I could come out with them.  I guess that will do.  I really would like to go swimming, but she said that it is too cold.  Its not, but if I get smart with her she will not let me write on the computer.  At least my favorite human neighbor cam over today.  She said her head hurt and I gave her kisses.  I hope she feels better. 

My mom says we can write on the computer in a little while.  she has to cook tacos now and I cant write when she is not in the room because she says it is dangerous.    I will be a good dog.


Anonymous said...

Hey Pigue!!  It's me, Aunt Kathleen!  You remember me right?!  I know I haven't seen you in a while, but you know how human life is... sometimes it sucks!  I was there when you were born and "saved" you from knocking over (or were you trying to get into?) the fish tank.  I know you just wanted to play with those cute little fishies right?  Tell your Mom and Dad that they need to take a little vacation.  I'll come over to watch you and I'll let you dig all the holes you want to.  And I'll take you swimming and chase squirrels too!!  What they don't know won't hurt them.  
Tell Domino that I'm glad he's feeling better and say hi to Molly, Fudge, Spanky, JC, Krusty, and all your new kitty brothers and sisters.
Maybe next time I'll let Abby write to you but you know how basset hounds are....D  U  M  B!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Pigue, it's me Kitty-kitty, so sorry to here about your brother Domino I hope he is feeling better. Your mom is right I just lost my dog brother and my mom was so sad. Also glad to here he is feeling a little better so maybe he can stay here with the rest of us a little longer. Well keep in touch and let me know how everything is with your brother. Tell him I said get well soon!