Saturday, September 22, 2007

My sister is mad

I have been begging my mom to let me write on the computer and she FINALLY said that I could as long as I was a good boy.  That is very hard for me, but I promised.  My sister molly is very mad because she wants to write on the computer.  Mom said that I was special and I get to write so that I will be a good boy.  My mom works late and I sleep in my bed on the floor in the green room while she talks on the computer to her friends.  It is a UGLY room and mom says she is going to paint it soon.  Dad says he's heard that before and wont hold his breath.  I hope he don't hold his breath, because I tried that once when I was swimming in the pond and I almost died!!!  My mom says I am a Jack Russell Terrier, but I think I am a Doberman.  I have two dog sisters and one human one.  I have one dog brother and one human one.  I have lots of kitty sisters and brothers, but I don't like them. My mom will not let me play with them because I make them squeak and she says that is NOT a good thing.  My neighbor really likes them, but she likes me more ( I just know she does).  She comes over to have coffee with my human mom and they have a good time together.  My human neighbor really likes to pet me and lets me lick her face.  My mom and dad wont let me do that.  She is a really nice human.  She makes my mom happy.  I think they have become good friends.  My mom says I don't have any friends because I don't know how to be nice, but I DO know how.  I just get a little exited, that's all.  Oh well, my mom said it is time to go to bed and I can't stay on the computer without her in the room.  I will continue tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pigue, my name is Kitty-Kitty and I know how you feel, my mom doesn't let me write on the computer either.  My mom is always talking to your mom so I thinks that's why we can't but I think they have alot of fun and thats good. My mom is always laughing at something. She did say I could post a comment for you though.  So I just wanted to say Hi and maybe we can talk again soon. Later.
(by Christy)

Anonymous said...

what a refreshing blog...  I'm just getting into them... and you're the best.  i will continue to check on you, pigue, and your furry friends... continue to be a good boy.  thanks mostly for the smile you've given me today.