Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My butt was hurting, but now it feels better

Last week my mom told me that my but looks funny.  I couldn't see it, but i knew she was right because it hurt.  My mom took me to the woman in the white jacket that gives me shots and she said my anal gland busted.  I knew something did, cause It HURT!!!!  I had to put on that mask that fits on my nose, cause my mom knows that I will bite the woman in the white jacket that gives me shots.  I had to take little white pills to make infection go away and little brown pills to stop the pain in my butt.  I feel better now.  I am so glad that I am a good dog and my Mom loves me.   

If that was not bad enough, my mom got as little harry thing called a hamster.  She wont let me play with him.  I cant imagine why.  He sleeps all day and keeps me awake at night running on a wheel.  I think that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.  I guess she just loves all Gods creatures.  I know she loves me cause I am a good dog!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Pigue,
Loved your "butt" story.  Hope your little tail is doing good.  Hug your Mom and Dad for me and know that Fergie's Mom loves you.  Remember the meat loaf and be a good dog and try not to kill anymore things.  Hug the hamster for me.  Love you.  Fergie's Mom.