Thursday, October 25, 2007
I HATE my mom...
Monday, October 22, 2007
My sister/neighbor kitty came to stay with us
I am mad...My mom says that I am mad a lot. But today I DO have a good reason. My human neighbor's kitten, Shimmer Glitter Star, came to stay with us for a while. My mom shares her with my human neighbor, but I don't like it. I want her to stay at my human neighbors. My human neighbor comes to see her over here and I DO NOT like it. She should come to see me, NOT her. Anyway, a big dog or something got her all slobbery and she was scared and sore so she is living in our laundry room for a few days. THAT is not the problem. (I kinda like her, but I won't tell my mom that cause I am mad. ) The problem is that SHE gets to sleep in the BIG bed. That is MY big bed, NOT hers. She has her own bowl of food and my mom wont let me have any and yells at me if I go in there. That don't seem quite fair. My mom always says that life is not always fair. I hate when she says that. Just like the other night:
I was sitting at the table that my favorite human neighbor sits at when she comes over and listens to my mom talking bad about my daddy, and I wanted to play cards. My daddy would not give me any cards. He said I would just tear them up. I don't know why he would think such a thing!!! I never get a break...but...I am a good dog..
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I killed the red thing that squeaks...OOPS
My mom did not get up early today..again..BUT....
My mom bought me a red toy that squeaks today. It only took me 8 minutes to kill it..That is not a record time, but I am proud. My mom says that she is tired of getting me things just so I can kill it. I try to tell her that that is my job, but she don't care. I hope she will but me another one soon. I am a good dog, but I have the need to destroy stuff. I will be talking to my Psychiatrist about this, I am sure. My mom made me take a picture of the red thing that squeaked, so I did.....Then...I had to take a picture of it after I killed it.....
Mom did not think it was funny..I got in trouble. I thought I did a great job killing the red thing that squeaks ( well, used to squeak). I guess that ends my time on the computer. My mom is getting sleepy and she promised she would not sleep all day tomorrow. I am kind of tired after using so much energy to kill the red thing that squeaked..Until next time..I am a good dog!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
my favorite human neighbor..
My mom is feeling a little better today and said I could write on the puter. I have had a boring time these last few days. My mom has been making candles and I have not got to do anything fun.
My favorite neighbor came over today and I am glad. She makes my mom laugh and makes her day better. She loves me and I get to sit in her lap..I LOVE to do that. My mom says she has not met anyone as nice as my favorite neighbor and her human man. They were sent by God to make life better for my Dad and my Mom. My human neighbor is so thoughtful. She brings us stuff that makes us happy and always knows how to make us feel better. She was there when my brother Domino went to the place where dogs play all day and don't hurt no more and she made his grave look pretty. My mom has not been out there but one time. She said she is still too sad and she needs to be brave like me..I am a good dog and a Brave dog. My neighbor thinks about everything to do to make people happy. My mom is not good at that. She don't know what to do when people are sad. I DO..They just need lots of Pigue kisses and hugs. It makes my mom feel better. My Daddy don't like Pigue kisses but he lets me sit beside him and rubs my belly..I like that.
My Dad loves my human neighbors, too. The neighbor man makes my Dad laugh and feel better too. They go places together and have fun. Molly got to go with them to the place where you put trash at to be picked up by a big machine. I did not get to go. The neighbor man and my dad thinks I have forgot about that, but I don't forget nothing. I will get to go one day and I will show them that I CAN be a good dog.
My mom let me get a MySpace. I can talk to my nephew Pooh and my human brother and my human sister. I miss them. My mom says that not many dogs get there own myspace. She saysthat I am special and I am a good dog.
I have to go now cause my mom is getting sleepy and needs to try to sleep. She promises me that she will get up early tomorrow and I can have more time to play....Cause I am a good dog.
Tags: good dogs
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My brother Domino went to where dogs play and dont hurt no more
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Man, I am glad my mom is better.
Wow...My friends must think I did something really bad. My mom has had a cold and she has not let me on the computer in a long time. I am glad she is better now. My mom is making candles today. She says that I can't help. I ask why and she said that I would get burned and make a mess. She is making candles to sell at a festival in Brownsville so she can buy me treats and stuff. The candles smell yucky to me, but the humans really like them.
My mom has to work tonight while we are all sleeping..I don't like that cause I have to sleep with my brother Domino. He is old and grouchy and he don't share the good bed with me. My mom says he can have the good bed cause he is old and I should not complain. My mom says that when he goes to where all the good dogs go and play and don't have any more pain, that I can have his bed. I told my mom that I hope he goes there soon and she popped me in my butt and told me that that was not nice. My mom says that Domino will be 15 on his b-day in December and that that is reallly old for a Dalmation. I don't think that is old. I think he just acts old so he can have the good bed.
I have had a lot of time to think while my mom has been sick and life just aint fair...My sister Molly gets to go out without her leash, I DON'T..She gets to go in the boat..I DON'T...( I did a few times but mom said that I was too bad and I could not go any more)..I am not BAD..I am a good dog. My other sister, Fudge gets to go to work with mom..I DON'T..She gets to go on trips in the car, too. I only get to go if we are going to the vet. I don't like the man in the white jacket that dogs go to to get shots.
Well, my mom just made a mess with her candles and said words that I am not allowed to say so I gotta go ..Until next time..I AM a good dog.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
My mom went to the Dr. today
My mom went to see a man in a white jacket today that helps people when they don't feel good. I don't like the man in a white jacket that helps dogs when they don't feel good cause he gives me shots..I try to bite him when I go and he makes my mom put a black thing on my nose so I cant open my mouth. My mom got a shot today and did not even try to bite him!!! I told her that she needs to bite the man in a white jacket that helps people that don't feel good, and she said that that is not very nice. The man in a white jacket told mom he was worried cause she is so tired. He took blood out of her arm and said that he will find out what is wrong with her. I can tell you what is wrong...She needs to eat more of my treats and sleep all day with me..That will make her feel better.
The mail woman came today and pulled in our drive and I knew she must have a package for ME, but it was my moms candle supplies. She sells candles so she can buy me treats and stuff. The box always has stuff in it that looks like marshmallows and I tried to eat one. My mom yelled at me and I ran!!! I did eat one, but it did not taste like marshmallows. My mom says if I don't stop being a bad dog she is not going to let me write on the computer any more. I will be a good dog. I promise.
My mom said the medicine that the man in the white jacket, that helps people when they don't feel good, gave her is making her sleepy. I guess she will let me write on the computer this morning. I hope so, cause I am a good dog.