Thursday, October 4, 2007

My mom went to the Dr. today

My mom went to see a man in a white jacket today that helps people when they don't feel good.  I don't like the man in a white jacket that helps dogs when they don't feel good cause he gives me shots..I try to bite him when I go and he makes my mom put a black thing on my nose so I cant open my mouth.  My mom got a shot today and did not even try to bite him!!!  I told her that she needs to bite the man in a white jacket that helps people that don't feel good, and she said that that is not very nice.  The man in a white jacket told mom he was worried cause she is so tired.  He took blood out of her arm and said that he will find out what is wrong with her.  I can tell you what is wrong...She needs to eat more of my treats and sleep all day with me..That will make her feel better. 

The mail woman came today and pulled in our drive and I knew she must have a package for ME, but it was my moms candle supplies.  She sells candles so she can buy me treats and stuff.  The box always has stuff in it that looks like marshmallows and I tried to eat one.  My mom yelled at me and I ran!!!  I did eat one, but it did not taste like marshmallows.  My mom says if I don't stop being a bad dog she is not going to let me write on the computer  any more.  I will be a good dog.  I promise

My mom said the medicine that the man in the white jacket, that helps people when they don't feel good, gave her is making her sleepy.  I guess she will let me write on the computer this morning.  I hope so, cause I am a good dog.

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